If you have a polycarbonate roof on your conservatory then you really should take a look at solar roof inserts. They are less expensive than blinds, maintenance free, come with a lifetime manufacturers warranty and are very effective. We are the local dealers for Polycool Ltd.

BVB Blinds solar film inserts from Polycool fit easily into all styles of polycarbonate sheets and roof panels for new build or existing conservatories. They are also suitable for sunrooms, greenhouses, garden rooms & swimming pools. BVB cater for all polycarbonate sheeting styles found on Victorian, Edwardian, lean to, P shape and bespoke conservatory designs. Solar film (referred to as solar film inserts, solar reflective tape, solar foils, reflective roof inserts and conservatory solar film) is the most effective and efficient solution to control temperatures in a cold or hot conservatory.
Solar film inserts can be supplied ready to fit on a DIY basis or can be quickly and professionally installed with our nationwide fitting service.
Conservatory roof inserts protect furnishings and encourage flower and plant growth by filtering harmful UV rays and creating a comfortable environment when your conservatory is too hot. Altogether, Polycool makes your conservatory a more practical and enjoyable living space 'whatever the weather'. Polycool also offer suitable products for glass-roofed conservatories.
Conservatories are more popular now than ever and a wonderful addition to the home.
However due to the roof materials used, (polycarbonate, pvc or glass), 'solar heat gain' or 'infrared heat' produced by the sun penetrates through the roof causing the internal temperature to rise uncomfortably - so your conservatory feels like an "oven". During the extremes of summer, conservatory temperatures can rise up to 130°F - 140°F. With this unbearable problem there is only one solution and that is the installation of 'Polycool Solar Control Inserts'.
Quickly and easily fitted within the existing polycarbonate roof channels the inserts will reflect 'up to 85% of the suns solar energy' and can reduce the temperature within the conservatory by 'up to 40°F in high Summer'.
Naturally, conservatories are colder during the Winter, due to;
1. Seasonal change
2. Lower sunshine levels
3. Heat escape via the roof
During these colder Winter months your conservatory can become a "freezer"releasing approximately 85% of the heat build-up during the day through the roof, to the cold Winter night. By installing solar film inserts ‘Reflective Film Insulation’ you will experience an increase in the ambient temperature within the conservatory.
Solar film inserts increases the thermal resistance to heat loss and the U Value of the polycarbonate roof panels by 10-15%, and re-radiates heat built during the day, reducing the level of heat escape and the volume of energy required to heat the conservatory, resulting in a noticeably warmer conservatory and helping to reduce house hold energy bills.
Call Blackmore Vale Blinds on: 01747 852111